Tropical Woods : Properties and Utilizations


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Penulis: Sipon Muladi dan Zainul Arifin

ISBN: 979-420-583-4

Dilihat: 5030 kali

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Ditambahkan: 01 November 2005

This book is not trying to tell how to save the wood species. On the contrary, it presents an analysis of the problems of the forest and wood waste potential, the wood chemistry components, the utilization of tropical woods as raw material for pulp and paper, and the problem of contamination control in East Kalimantan.


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Tropical woods have number of species. More than 4,000 tropical wood species existed in Indonesia. However, the number of species was decreased from time to time. Several groups of people tried to save them, but without any success.

This book is not trying to tell how to save the wood species. On the contrary, it presents an analysis of the problems of the forest and wood waste potential, the wood chemistry components, the utilization of tropical woods as raw material for pulp and paper, and the problem of contamination control in East Kalimantan. Although this book is a compilation of essays and thesis, it gives a comprehensive picture of how to utilize tropical woods in healthy, friendly and environmentally ways.

  • Bahasa Teks Buku Indonesia
  • Cetakan Pertama, November 2005
  • Tebal 390 halaman
  • Ukuran 18,5 X 25 cm
  • Kode Buku T041
  • Categories Kehutanan, Agro & Fauna