The Crescent Behind The Thousand Holy Temples

Sosial & Humaniora

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Penulis: Erni Budiwanti

ISBN: 979-420-357-2

Dilihat: 4483 kali

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Ditambahkan: 01 July 1995

Ethnographic. Bali. Minority.


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My interest in studying the Muslims in Pegayarnan is partly based on a personal reason Being born half Javanese and half Balinese. but growing up in a Javanese cultural milieu. I was attracted to learn more about the way of life of the Balinese. Ornate temples. huge offerings. festivities are no longer a novelty to me However. when I learned about the Balinese Muslims of Pegayaman. l was exposed to a totally diflerent view of Bali. This amused my curiosity about why these people. who are acknowledged to be indigenous Balinese. would strive to preserve their social. cultural and religious differences from other Balinese. successfully maintaining their cultural enclave over three centuries. The study of Pegayaman Muslims was only possible after my academic year at the Department of Anthropoloy and Sociolog. Monash University. For this i would like to express my deep gratitude to all the academic staff. especially to Dr. Ken Young and Professor Joel Kahn who untiringly had sacriiiecd their precious time to supervise me. i am indebted to Professor Joel Hahn for his time and patience when he guided me during Dr. Ken Young's sabbatical leave. l owe my greatest debt to Dr. Ken Young. liis encouragement. advice. and patience kept me working to the end of my writing. I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Rashmi Desai for his helpful suggestions. lam indebted to Dr. Allian and Dr. CPF Luhulima at LIP! allowing me to accept one of the scarce opportunities of an AlDAB [Australian international Development Assistance Bureau) fellowships. I am especially grateful to Ms. Andrea White and Mr. Jack Hatzi my training officer and social worker from AIDAB who were responsible for my program of study in the Department of Anthropologr and for other aspects of my stay in Australia. I also wish to thank to Dr. David Chandler and Zuly Chudory from the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies who provided support for my fieldwork in Bali. 1 also offer my thanks to all postgraduate students in the Centre who provided a sympathetic audience for both my joys and homesickness. To all villagers in Pegayaman I am deeply grateful for allowing me to learn about them and enduring my incessant questions. My special gratitude is extended to Pak Barazak. Pak Adhar, Ustad Arifin, And Guru Ketut Hasyim and their families who warmly accepted me as one of the their relatives. I wish also to thank the office staff at Kecamatan Sukasada, Polsek Sukasada (police headquarters at sub-district level). Polres Buleleng (police headquarters at regency level), Kantor Urusan Agama Sukasada (Sub-district Office of Religious Affairs), and Kanwil Departemen Agama Buleleng (Religious Department at Regional Level) who gave me important information. My thanks are also due to Dr. Ngurah Bagus at the Linguistic F acuity, Udayana University. My indebtedness is owed to too many to completely list. To those who had kindly contributed information. but are not mentioned, I apologise. Finally, I thank to my parents and my mother's family for their moral support. To my parents and Pegayaman villagers I dedicate this thesis.