Event & Agenda

Round Table: “Emerging Global Trends in University Press Publishing”University publisher has its own uniqueness compared to other popular publishing. Besides implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education), university publisher also must exist financially. In addition, market ecosystem of academic books is different from popular books. Those…
Tanggal Posting
- 17 October 2015

UGM Press established partnership with Goethe Universitat, Germany
UGM Press Granted Reference Books about Southeast Asian Studies to Goethe Universitat Frankfurt, October 16th 2015 Indonesia did not waste the opportunity in becoming the guest of honor in the oldest and the biggest book fair in the world, Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. All publisher representatives attended the fair tried hard…
Tanggal Posting
- 16 October 2015

New Springer Nature co-publishing agreements with UGM Press
UGM Press are both set to announce co-publishing agreements with Springer Nature at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Springer Nature will publish the English-language editions of a selection of titles from each publisher's list. Covering traditional culture, ethnography, Islamic law, modern conflicts, the sociological impact of urbanization and forestry, the…
Tanggal Posting
- 15 October 2015

Frankfurt Book Fair 2015, 14-18 October 2015, Bootn Hall 4.0 C80
ABSTRACTIndonesia will be Guest of Honour of the Frankfurt Book Fair In 2015 the Frankfurt Book Fair will present “the vibrant literature, talents and the rich culture of one of the most populous and ‘young’ countries in the world, of which only little is known in Germany”, says Director of…
Tanggal Posting
- 09 October 2015
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