Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- October 17, 2015

Round Table: “Emerging Global Trends in University Press Publishing”
University publisher has its own uniqueness compared to other popular publishing. Besides implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education), university publisher also must exist financially. In addition, market ecosystem of academic books is different from popular books. Those challenges are also experienced by university publishers all around the world. For that reasons, university publishers must sit together to discuss and find solutions upon that matters.
On Saturday October 17th 2015, Prof. Dr. Harno Dwi Pranowo and M. Agung Bramatya, Ph.D. from UGM Press joined by Dr. Elang Ilik from APPTI (Asosiasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia/Indonesian University Publishers Association) attended International Convention of University Presses, as part of event in the most prestigious book fair, Frankfurt Book Fair 2015, at which Indonesia as the guess of honor.
The gathering presented some main speakers, namely:
1. Peter Schoppert, NUS Press, Singapore,
2. Carlos Gazzera, REUN, Argentina,
3. Philip Cercone, McGill-Queens Univ. Press, USA,
4. Isabelle Meinecke, Association of European Univ Presses, Germany,
5. Juan Felipe Cordoba Restrepo, EULAC, Colombia.
Meanwhile, the moderator was Dario Stukalsky from REUN, Argentina.
As the representative from APPTI, Harno Dwi Pranowo and Elang Ilik followed each session enthusiastically. M. Agung Bramantya said, “This is a very good event because many university publishers from all around the world gather and talk about strategic issues in university publisher world, such as proper business model, digitalization, copyright, citation, finance, government support, etc.”
Hopefully, the summit that has been held for the fourth time and attended by more that 100 country representatives generated conclusions and agreement between university publisher in order to increase not only the quality of the book physically but also giving wider impact for higher education in the world.
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