Edible Amorphophallus in Indonesia

Teknologi Pertanian

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Penulis: Eddy Santosa , Nobuo Sugiyama

ISBN: 979-420-677-6

Dilihat: 6742 kali

Stock: 0

Ditambahkan: 02 April 2008

This book covers the topics of botany, agronomy and genetic diversity of three edible amporphopallus species in Indonesia, A. paeoniifolius, A. mulleri and A. variabilis, as well as the contribution of amorphopallus cultivation to Indonesia rural society


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This book covers the topics of botany, agronomy and genetic diversity of three edible amporphopallus species in Indonesia, A. paeoniifolius, A. mulleri and A. variabilis, as well as the contribution of amorphopallus cultivation to Indonesia rural society. There is little information available on edible amorphopallus species in Indonesia. Although it has been an important staple crop until 1960 and is now considered a potential industrial crop for agroforestry. Most of the younger generations have not experienced eating amorphopallus and the number of people who know of its cultivation is decreasing. Most Indonesian people including some agricultural extension workers, confuse amorphopallus could be useful to the younger generation Indonesia and could increase the use of amorphophallus plants.

  • Bahasa Teks Buku English
  • Cetakan Pertama, April 2008
  • Tebal 125 halaman
  • Ukuran 15,5 cm x 23 cm
  • Kode Buku E021
  • Categories Teknologi Pertanian, Agro & Fauna