The Role of Heritage Tourism in Community Planning and Development


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Penulis: Wiendu Nuryanti

ISBN: 979-420-702-0

Dilihat: 5353 kali

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Ditambahkan: 09 June 2009


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This collection of articles present the board theme of heritage tourism and focuses on its role in community planning and development with a special emphasis on countries in development. Distinguished contributors from different countries as well as international organizations have been selected for their breadth of experience, insight and varied points of view.

  • Bahasa Teks Buku English
  • Cetakan Pertama, Juni 2009
  • Tebal 212 halaman
  • Ukuran 16,5 cm x 25 cm
  • Kode Buku T051
  • Categories Pariwisata, Sosial & Humaniora