Smart City Village and Region: Innovation and Praxis in Several Countries


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Penulis: Rini Rachmawati , dkk.

ISBN: 978-623-359-567-4

Dilihat: 1298 kali

Stock: 20

Ditambahkan: 02 December 2024

Smart City, Village, and Region becomes a trending concept that is currently being applied globally in the implementation of urban and regional development. The smart concept supported by utilizing information and communication technology is able to make the efficiency and effectiveness of government administration, both at the city or regional and village scales come true. This book is present to discuss matters related to the concept and definition of Smart City, Village, and Region. This book also describes the implementation of Smart City, Village, and Region in supporting different other fields, such as government administration services, public services, tourism, economy, industry, MSMEs along with their product innovation, financial transactions, transportation, community, education, health, environment, waste management, and energy



Smart City, Village, and Region becomes a trending concept that is currently being applied globally in the implementation of urban and regional development. The smart concept supported by utilizing information and communication technology is able to make the efficiency and effectiveness of government administration, both at the city or regional and village scales come true. This book is present to discuss matters related to the concept and definition of Smart City, Village, and Region. This book also describes the implementation of Smart City, Village, and Region in supporting different other fields, such as government administration services, public services, tourism, economy, industry, MSMEs along with their product innovation, financial transactions, transportation, community, education, health, environment, waste management, and energy. The implementation of the concept of Smart City, Village, and Region is one of the important efforts in responding to different development challenges and issues in many fields. At present, the development of information technology is so fast that various devices and tools such as the Internet of Things (loT), Artificial Intelligence, to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 have been spawned and that direct implications for humans and the development process have been felt. ln addition, this book also responds to these matters and tries to contribute to the scientific debate behind it. ln the following sections, this book presents innovations and implementation practices of Smart Cities, Villages, and Regions that have been implemented by several countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar. The discussion and substance in this book are relevant for anyone to spend his time reading it, both experts and researchers working in different fields such as geography, engineering, social and political science, and environmental science and those interested in studies related to Smart City, Village, and Region, or someone who is learning the concept and implementation of a smart city. ln addition, it is also expected that this book can become an illustration for the government and stakeholders in compiling the existing programs and activities from private sectors to community members.

  • Bahasa Teks Buku English
  • Cetakan Pertama, Desember 2024
  • Tebal xx, 306 hlm
  • Ukuran 15,5 cm x 23 cm
  • Tahun Terbit Pertama Desember 2024
  • Kode Buku S156
  • Categories Geografi, Sains & Teknologi