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Multirisk Assessment of Disasters in Parangtritis Coastal Area
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Penulis: Sunarto , Muh. Aris Marfai , Djati Mardiatno
ISBN: 979-420-732-2
Dilihat: 6974 kali
Stock: 5
Ditambahkan: 15 July 2010
Multirisk of disaster represents a general characteristic in most of the Indonesian regions, particularly on the coastal areas. These areas have been the center of population and activities, as a consequence of the abundance resources. Paradoxically, the coastal areas are also vulnerable to multirisk of disaster. Therefore, a special concern should be given to these areas in the frame of disaster management in Indonesia.
Multirisk of disaster represents a general characteristic in most of the Indonesian regions, particularly on the coastal areas. These areas have been the center of population and activities, as a consequence of the abundance resources. Paradoxically, the coastal areas are also vulnerable to multirisk of disaster. Therefore, a special concern should be given to these areas in the frame of disaster management in Indonesia.
Indonesian people started to build their knowledge and awareness right after the earthquake and tsunami in NAD and North Sumatra in 2004, the earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central Java in 2006, and the latest earthquake occurred in 2009. They already had the experience in facing various disasters in Indonesia. Unfortunately, there are still huge fatalities when other disasters strike. Various efforts should be carried out by all stakeholders for reducing risk due to various disasters. As the oldest research center for disaster in Indonesia which was founded in 1995, research center for disaster Gadjah Mada University (PSBA-UGM) has continuously shown a high commitment to disaster management in Indonesia.
This book explores the basic concept of coastal areas with their characteristic, which is necessary to identify disaster types. Multirisk assessment of the coastal areas is elaborated both systematically and chronologically, in order to build society awareness to the multirisk of disaster. Earthquake and tsunami are not the only types of disasters occur in Parangtritis coastal area because rip current and social disaster also often occur, considering that Parangtritis has been the destination of natural, educational, and cultural tourism for quite a long time. Lessons of the initiative adaptation by local community in Parangtritis coastal area could be followed by the other coastal areas in Indonesia.
- Bahasa Teks Buku English
- Cetakan Pertama, Juli 2010
- Tebal 166 halaman
- Ukuran 14,5 cm x 21 cm
- Kode Buku M079
- Categories Geografi, Lingkungan, Sains & Teknologi
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