Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- March 22, 2019

Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (UNISNU) Press conducted bencmarking study to UGM Press on Thursday (21/3). This visit aims to improve the quality of human resources and strengthen the UNISNU Press. This event was held at the UGM Press Showroom, the group was welcomed by the UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika along with the Coordinator of the Publishing, Printing, Marketing and Warehouse, and UGM Finance Division.
The delegations of UNISNU Press who came to UGM Press are Purwo Adi Wiboso, S.E., M.Sc., Saikhunal Azhar, S.Pd., Uli Amrina, S.E.I., dan M. Novailul Abid, S.Kom.I., M.Si. A delegation from UNISNU said the the aim of the visit is to do benchmarking study about the initiation of collaborative publishing and printing, publishing management, and models for improving the performance of a profitable and competitive publishing business at UGM Press.
By doing this benchmarking study, both parties are expected to be able to develop and improve the quality of university publishing and printing. At the end of the meeting, the two institutions exchanged souvenirs and took a group photo. [Irwan/UGM Press, Editor: Gesang Anita CW]
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