Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- April 23, 2019

A total of 31 lecturers and students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta visited UGM Press, Tuesday (4/23). The UNS delegation led by Dr. Budhi Setiawan, M.Pd. welcomed by UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, accompanied by the all of the Coordinators of the Publishing, Office and Finance, Printing, Marketing, and Warehouse.
UGM Press Manager said that this academic visit was intended to provide insights related to digital publishing as a model of student entrepreneurship innovation based on writing skills and publishing scientific papers online in publishing the intellectual assets of tertiary institutions. This insight is expected to be able to open new options in the world of work for students.
"Under the auspices of the Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi (BPP) of UGM, UGM Press has become a publisher focusing on the world of academic publishing, including digital publishing, which is publishing books in the form of e-books, and the launch of UGM Digital Press under the management of BPP of UGM as online media to publish proceedings on the results of an international conference held at UGM. UGM Digital Press accommodates all fields of science which are categorized into four series, namely Physical Sciences and Engineering; Life Sciences; Health Sciences; and Social Sciences and Humanities. UGM Digital Press is designed as a system that makes it easy for the public to access the development of science and research results from the UGM academic community, " said Dr. Wayan
During the visit, the group from the undergraduate Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education UNS Surakarta seemed enthusiastic listening to various explanations given related to digital publishing at UGM Press. (Irwan / UGM Press, Editor: Gesang Anita CW)
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