Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- September 25, 2018

UGM Press doing online shopping campaign with the theme "Book Bazaar Shopping From UGM Press Official Site http://ugmpress.ugm.ac.id" from 1st-14th October 2018 with offering discount UpTo 70% off. Therefore, public can get best books easily, without go directly to UGM's Press Showroom.
"We bring four books category in each cluster, such as Science-Technology, Medical-Health, Agro-Fauna, and Social-Humanities, and readers love to shop each book online," said UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika.
"We gladly gave shopping facilities thru online in our official site http://ugmpress.ugm.ac.id and also giving access to digital payment method, such as credit card, retail chain (Alfamart,Indomart), ATM transfer, and DOKU Wallet, with shipping services via JNE, Pos Indonesia, Indah Kargo, dan PCP Kargo. For online purchasing on weekend, the book will send on the next day," he added.
Kegiatan bazar ini merupakan aktivitas rutin yang diselenggarakan UGM Press setiap memasuki semester baru dan bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang buku sejalan dengan minat baca masyarakat. (UGM Press/irw)
This event is a regular activity which hold by UGM Press every freshman year and constantly designed to give information abut book in line with public litracy. (UGM Press/irw. Editor: Azata)
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