Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- April 06, 2019

The UGM Press Redaction team recently conducted a series of benchmarking studies to four publishers in Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung. On the first day, Thursday (April 4, 2019), redaction team visited the Jakarta Polimedia Publisher, 9:00 to 12:00. This event was opened with a speech by the Director of Polimedia, Dr. Purnomo Ananto. He very apriciates the visit of UGM Press which led by UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika. In this event, UGM Press was invited to take a look directly at the process of editorial work to the activities in Polimedia printing.
"We would like to say thank you to UGM Press for visiting Us, We do hope that in the future we can keep maintaining our communication especially for making collaboration in many things" said Dr. Purnomo.
In this event, the UGM Press team was very enthusiastic and actively asked questions to add insight. "This activity is indeed very important because it can increase our knowledge, so as not to be monotonous and not to miss up to date information about the world of publishing," explained Dr. Wayan
On the second occasion, still on Thursday, the UGM Press team visited IPB Press in Bogor, from 14.00 to 17.00. At IPB Press, UGM Press was also warmly welcomed and invited to tour the publishing process. Led by Dr. Sambas, Director of IPB Press, UGM Press team met directly with the editorial staff of IPB Press.
"Of course we are very happy to be visited by UGM Press. We hope our friendship will not end here. One day team from IPB Press can also visit UGM Press to exchange experiences and knowledge," said Dr. Sambas.
On the following day, Friday (5th of April 2019), UGM Press visited the Mizan Wacana Publisher in Bandung. This visit took place from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00. Welcomed by CEO Mizan Wacana, Ahmad Baiquni, the visit was full of questions and answers, but relaxed. Mr. Baiquni clearly gave an explanation of the world of publishing, printing, marketing, and distribution of books, ranging from upstream to downstream. In addition, the UGM Press team was also invited to visit the Mizan Book Store book bazaar. Here there are various genres of books at affordable prices.
After visiting Mizan, the UGM Press Editor continued their visit to the last place, ITB Press. The visit started at 13.30 until 15.30. Here, the UGM Press was welcomed by Drs. Budi Isdianto, M.Sn. as the Director of ITB Press and was introduced to the staff of the publishing department.
"It's great that UGM Press team are pleased to come all the way to ITB Press. We do hope that this activity is not just a visit, but will continue to be intertwined with full benefits for both parties," welcomed Drs. Budi.
The UGM Press team was also invited to look around the process of editing, layout, design, to the process of printing books. ITB Press staff are also very friendly and openly explain the publishing and printing activities at ITB Press.
Before the benchmarking study took place, the Head of the Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi (BPP) UGM, Dr. Widodo, advised that it is time for UGM Press as a part BPP had a special time visiting friends of other publishers, to exchange knowledge and add insight. Not only that, HR in BPP-UGM Press is also entitled to participate in training activities in accordance with their respective fields in order to develop skills to be able to innovate in line with the times. (Nanik / UGM Press, EDitor: Gesang Anita CW)
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