Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- September 22, 2018

Eighteen groups from UB Media Universitas Brawijaya Publisher visited UGM Press on Friday (21/09). In order to broaden knowledge and built cooperation between university publishers in Indonesia, all staff was joined including UB Press director.
"We observe UGM's Press efforts to be a productive and professional publisher which produces the best quality of books and brings a good reputation for UGM in national or international," said Dr. Ir. Anthon Efani, MP, as a representative from UB Media Universitas Brawijaya.
In two hours meeting, develop a discussion about the organizational system on UGM Press and BPP UGM, script publishing, production, and distribution. The discussion did with direct QnA to Samsul Ma'arif as publishing coordinator, Tumin as a production coordinator, and Febriarto Wahyu Aji as marketing for UGM Press
"This discussion can be a reference for UB Media Universitas Brawijaya to build publisher system and strategy. Strong line communication between UGM Press and UB Media Universitas Brawijaya can be intertwined in the future," said Anthon Efani . (UGM Press/irw) [Editor:azata]
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