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Tanggal Posting
- November 29, 2018

As one of the best universities in Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada gets ranks 391 top world university, 74 in Asia, 14 in ASEAN based on QS version 2019. UGM keeps improving the quality and quantity of scientific publications, that showed up by improving the quality and quantity of UGM's academic community paper which indexed at Scopus for the last five years. Various ways were developed, one of them is holding an international conference. This is proven by the enhancement number of an international conference held in UGM past few years. For one year at least it has 30 international conferences.
The improvement regarding international conferences in UGM equal with the number of papers presented by UGM's academic community. One of the essential benefits is conference proceedings published globally. Therefore, seeing that as an institution reputation builder, it is important for an international conference organizer to choose a credible publisher to publish the proceedings.
UGM Digital Press (https://digitalpress.ugm.ac.id/) is an online platform to publish international conference proceedings held in UGM. This platform control by Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi UGM (Publisher and Publication Organization UGM) gets together with Direktorat Sistem dan Sumber Daya Informasi (DSSDI) UGM. UGM Digital Press accommodates all of the studies which categorize into four series, such as Physical Sciences and Engineering; Life Sciences; Health Sciences; dan Social Sciences and Humanities. This platform also gives open access entirely to the public and has an impact on paper visibility because it will easier to check online. Another advantage is on citation paper since web visitors can download it easily. Moreover, the researcher that drop their paper here, it has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and indexed to Google Scholar and Dimension. Lastly, UGM Digital Press is equipped with web traffic through analytics metrics.
UGM Digital Press provides a plagiarism checker facility for the papers which want to publish on UGM Digital Proceedings. This will ensure the quality of the papers based on the conferences that have been run. Furthermore, the papers get into the editorial stage that suitable for international papers publication standards. Besides, facilitating the international conference paper publishing, UGM Digital press also show digital books collection from UGM Press which can buy online. These Digital Books will increase UGM's academic community research outcome dissemination to the public. This is an accessible platform for the public to look for the latest discoveries.
Wednesday, 28th Nov 2018 located at Balai Senat UGM, Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi UGM (Publisher and Publication Organization UGM) launch UGM Digital Press. Vice-Chancellor for Planning, Finance, and Information System (WR PKSI), Supriyadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., CMA., CA., Ak., attends this event. Accompanied by Kepala Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi UGM (the Head of Publisher and Publication Organization UGM) and Research Director UGM. He said that he has high expectations for UGM Digital Press to gain a good reputation in publication and increase the quality and quantity of research publication. This is in line with university strategies that have been planned until 2022 which delivered by Supriyadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., CMA., CA., Ak., UGM will get into 250 top university-based on QS ranks. In six aspects of assessment, the indicator can be used to determine the ranks, one of them is UGM's academic reputation. This will be the main point to build a good reputation. Through UGM Digital Press every paper integrated with the data system. The launching of UGM Digital Press was symbolized by presenting of UGM's Digital Press profile video by WR PKSI UGM.[Editor:AzataIzazi]
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