Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- August 22, 2019

A book titled Kata Bersama antara Muslim dan Kristen is an In sonesian version of the book Muslim and Christian Understanding: Theory and Application of “A Common Word between You and Us”. This book, which is a follow-up to the "Kalimatun Sawa" or "A Common Word" initiative, took the form of a statement of 138 representatives of intellectual figures, muftis and Islamic scholars throughout the world about the relationship between Islam and Christianity, published by UGM Press.
This book launced on Thursday 23rd of August 2019, in UGM Senate Hall by Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi (BPP) Universitas Gadjah Mada, and it was edited by Waleed El-Ansary, David K. Linnan, Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, Paripurna P. Sugarda, dan Harkristuti Harkrisnowo. This event invited writers and book editors, including Prof. David K. Linnan (University of South Carolina) and Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin (Special Staff of the President). Moreover, Comparative theology experts were also invited to dissect books, including Yenny Wahid (Wahid Foundation), Zainal Abidin B. (Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, ICRS), and Abdul Gaffar Karim (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM). The event was also attended by several rectors of state and private universities in Yogyakarta and leaders of organizations and religious groups.
The existence of the book Kata bersama antara Muslim dan Kristen is highly anticipated in this Indonesia's social situation which is being hectic by the issue of religion blasphemy and various conflicts, both intra- and interfaith. It took more than five years for the process of publishing this book in Indonesia. After the 2019 presidential election, it was felt to be the right time, seeing the condition of the people who were calmer from various conflicts with religious backgrounds.
The launch and review of this book is also one of events for celebrating the 70th Anniversary and 14th Lustrum of Gadjah Mada University. In this 70th years, UGM strengthen their mission to become a humanist university by sticking to the values of Pancasila as the foundation of the country. UGM as university of Pancasila considers about the importance of discussion space related to intra- and interfaith issues in Indonesia, which in the last period has become increasingly worrying and has led to discrimination against religious minorities in various regions.
The book Kata Bersama: Antara Muslim dan Kristen was officially launched by Vice Rector for UGM Cooperation and Alumni, Paripurna P. Sugarda, with the beating of the gong in front of 350 participants and invited guests from various groups who were very enthusiastic.
The manager of UGM Press, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, emphasized that the book Kata Besama: Antara Muslim dan Kristen in this eddition, articles are added by prominent figures who have a reputation and expertise, not merely theological, but also politics, human rights, the economy, development, and the environment, which are the realms of the actual implementation of the word together in social life.
"Hopefully the publication of this book can bring a new direction in interfaith dialogue and cooperation on fundamental aspects, such as poverty, marginalization, and discrimination as root causes that are easily ignited by agitating religious sentiments into social conflicts that threaten human survival and humanity, "Said Dr. Wayan (Kiky & Irwan)
(Editor: Gesang Anita CW)
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