Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- October 31, 2018

As a university that support the great values of Tri Dharma, Universitas Gadjah Mada consistently develops the quality of their potential human resource, both lecturers or educational staff. UGM does many activities such as, hold a writing course for all of the staff, including lecturer or non-lecturer. UGM holds Book Writing Course for UGM's Professors recently. This event separate into two sequences, first hold on Monday, 22th Oct 2018 and Monday, 29th Oct 2018.
The first event holds at Multimedia area I KPTU UGM and begins with a motivation lecture from Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono (FEB UGM), with the topic "How to Write Productive and Nice Books". In his presentation, he said that the criteria of a nice book are it is your own work, fulfill reader interest, good plot, use appropriate language, achieve cognitive goals, and support learning methods.
"You have to do some steps when you want to write a nice book, one of them is using an appropriate language, connected sentence, and good plot. Furthermore, we will get into cooling step. This is important to cool off our mind and we can check grammatical errors. Then, get into editing and revising steps. In this stage, the revising process can't be done by one time, but many times," said Prof. Jogiyanto.
Prof. Jogiyanto gets great appreciation from the audience for his explanation, moreover the presence of UGM's Press representative who supported this event, increasing another professor's enthusiasm to write fine books. Don't want to miss an opportunity, the organizer who leads by Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro offers up another time for doing writing courses on Monday, 29th Oct 2019 at University Club UGM.
"So, in our second event, the author candidates separate in many groups. Every group accompanied by one redaction staff from UGM Press to help the script arrangement," said Prof. Laksono. The author candidates can discuss everything about the script. Start from the grammar and writing strategy, presentation scheme, book size, and also the target market.
"We truly support this event since we believe your ideas have good quality. Those ideas can be developed into a book as the best reference for our students and society. We want to help UGM's academics to spread out their knowledge," said Dr. I Wayan Mustika as a UGM Press Manager. [nan/UGM Press][Editor:Azata]
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