Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- March 12, 2020

The Yogyakarta Library and Archive Service (DPAD) collaborated with Yogyakarta Regional House of Representative, Commission D for Public Welfare, held a book review on Thursday, March 12, 2020. The title of the book is “Exclusive Breastfeeding as Perfect Food for Newborn” by Toto Sudargo and Nur Aini Kusmayanti which published by UGM Press. This book discussion is intended to increase the interest and reading culture of rural communities in Yogyakarta. The event was held in Joglo Kejambun Kidul, Sindumartani, Ngemplak, Sleman.
H. Koeswanto, as Chairperson of Commission D, said that book is an essential platform to get information. This activity is expected to bring knowledge and insight to the community in Sindumartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, especially women, about the importance of early childhood development. Exclusive breastfeeding is one of the important solutions to solve community nutrition problems, both now and in the future. "So people can understand how to take care of their children, especially women who just have given birth, exclusive breastfeeding is an essential thing, furthermore they can form an optimum human resource for this country," said Koeswanto.
Nur Aini Kusmayanti as the main speaker and one of the authors of the book explained that exclusive breastfeeding practice during the first six months of an infant’s life has been proven to be able to improve the health status of a nation. Exclusive breastfeeding can reduce maternal and infant mortality rates. In addition, exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life will provide positive benefits for the lives of children in the future.
"This book not only reveals the great benefits of exclusive breastfeeding but also several topics mentioned to support exclusive breastfeeding. This book is expected to be the basis for making regulations on exclusive breastfeeding in order to accommodate the problems and obstacles that have been faced by mothers in breastfeeding, "said Nur Aini.
Widaningsih, as Head of the Child Protection Section of the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning in Sleman Regency explained that exclusive breastfeeding is one of the efforts to protect children which given directly by parents. "Exclusive breastfeeding can also establish love between mother and child so that children always get a mother," said Widaningsih.
Vista Ari Rahmawati from Sleman Health Service said exclusive breastfeeding is a basic human right for all Indonesian children that they must get when they are babies. "Human rights must be protected by binding regulations so that the obstacles that have been the failure of exclusive breastfeeding can be controlled," said Vista.
UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, fully appreciates this book discussion activities carried out in rural areas. "Decreasing infant mortality is another part of the problem of improving people's nutritional status. This book helps Indonesian children's human rights related to exclusive breastfeeding that they should get when they are babies, and the community, especially women, should read this book, "said Dr. Wayan [Irwan / UGM Press]
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