Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- July 08, 2020

UGM Press collaborates with the Faculty of Law UGM held an online book discussion (webinar) on Wednesday, July 8, 2020. This time the book will be discussed entitled Corporate Action for the Establishment of Sharia Banks: Acquisition, Conversion, and Spin-Off. The speaker in this webinar is Dr. Khotibul Umam, S.H., LL.M., Lecturer at Dept. Islamic Law Faculty of Law UGM, Dr. Veri Antoni, S.H., M.Hum., Lecturer at Dept. UGM Faculty of Law Trade Law, moderated by Febriarto Wahyu Aji (Dimas), as UGM Press Marketing Coordinator.
This event was attended by 200 participants, both academics and the general public. As the first speaker, Dr. Veri Antoni gave a general presentation on corporate actions and things that need to be considered related to mergers, consolidations, acquisitions, and separation. "The reasons for mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, and spin-offs in the formation of Islamic banks require business strategies and considerations, for example, to improve the management system of acquired companies, to increase business diversification, to reduce competition barriers, to maintain business continuity and provide opportunities for business units to develop through a separation strategy, "said Dr. Veri.
Dr. Khotibul Umam gave a complete explanation of corporate action arrangements in the form of spin-offs of conventional commercial bank Islamic business units into Islamic commercial banks. Khotibul Umam said that a conventional bank that wants to convert its business activities into a sharia bank must meet several requirements, such as adjusting the articles of association, meeting the capital requirements, adjusting the requirements of the board of directors and board of commissioners, establishing DPS, and presenting the initial financial report as a sharia bank.
The committee really appreciates the participation of all participants and received more than 10 questions in this webinar. The participants who asked questions, 8 of them were selected to receive a book on Corporate Action for the Establishment of Sharia Banks: Acquisition, Conversion, and Spin-Off for free from UGM Press. (Irwan / UGM Press) [editor: Azata]
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