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- March 26, 2019

To improve literacy and the culture of reading books to the public, it is necessary to hold a book review. One of them is about knowledge related to village tourism.
"Book review discussion titled "Membangun Pariwisata dari Bawah" which publish by UGM Press was being discussed by local peopple of Tirtoadi village, Mlati sub-distric, Sleman regency because Yogyakarta city is one of the most popular tourism destination, hence the local people must be given knowledge about tourism" said Djuli Sugiarto, as the Head of DIY Library Couching and Development Division, Tuesday (3/26/2019).
One of the author of "Membangung Pariwisata dari Bawah", Destha Titi Raharjana said that tourism has big strategic role and contribution for local community prospeprity because it can protect the local cultural ecosystem.
"The aim of publishing this book is for capturing the growth of village tourism which sponsored by the government during 2010 until 2012, with three main issues which are political economy mission, bottom-up approach, and the potential role and conflict of planning-implementation" said Destha from UGM Tourism Study Center.
"The euphoria and enthusiasm of forming a tourism village that is not ballenced with governance that is used as a reference, is feared to reduce the quality of village values and the ecosystems where it is actually sought and should be preserved, as an allure for tourists," Destha continued
The Head of the Sleman Tourism Office, Sudarningsih, said that the book "Membangun Pariwisata dari Bawah" could encourage the development of tourism in Tirtoadi, Mlati District, Sleman. The opportunities for developing local potential are increasingly open with the support of government and villages that must be able to make potential becomes attractions.
UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, appreciated the book review activities of DPAD DIY. "The book "Membangun Pariwisata dari Bawah" is present to develop the spirit of tourism as optimal as possible to utilize the potential of rural areas as a solution to develop Indonesia" said Wayan.
The head of Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi (BPP) UGM, Dr. Widodo said that he books published by UGM Press were not only a teaching material for students and lecturers, but also general books to support education and community service (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi). (Irwan / UGM Press, Editor: Gesang Anita CW)
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