Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- July 29, 2020

Yogyakarta - UGM Press collaborated again with Vocational School UGM and the Gama Mandiri Family (KGM) Network by holding a book discussion entitled Copywriting: Rhetoric, Advertising, and Story Telling, Theory and Technique of Writing Advertising Script. The event, which was held online on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, through the Google Meet platform and YouTube live streaming attracted 520 participants who came from various professional backgrounds, with the main objective of helping small and medium enterprise (UKM) activists in supporting current businesses which already integrated digitally, including the creation of advertising content.
The second agenda is the presentation of the material. As the first speaker, Heddy Prasetyo gave a complete explanation of Copywriting in The Digital Age. "In the era of digital business which is very competitive, we need a tactic that is able to build and influence the subconscious of buyers, one of which is through copywriting (the art of stringing words in advertisements). A good copywriting parameter is being able to attract consumers to buy your product,” said Heddy. According to him, before creating an advertising language, it would be nice to know well the products and unique characters that will be sold because that is what will affect sales, then determine the target market, research specific keywords that are able to represent the product, and end by determining the media to be used to market a product.
The presentation was continued by Drs. Muslikh Madiyant who acts as the author of the book. He said that in writing an advertisement, it is better if you know the culture/culture that will be the target. "Nowadays, advertisements that are able to attract consumers are ads that have value in them. The essence of writing an advertisement is that the message is conveyed well and is able to persuade someone, "he explained.
The event continued until the question and answer session, and as a final series of events, it was closed by giving door prizes to the 10 participants who asked the best questions in the comments column. They get each copywriting book: Rhetoric, Advertising and Story Telling, Theory and Technique of Writing Advertising Script, as a free of charge from UGM Press. (Azata / SV UGM)
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