Poppy S. Winanti
Poppy S. Winanti serves as the Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Community Service and Alumni Affairs of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Her research interests cover Governance in extractive industries; trade-related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
and developing countries; WTO and the future of Doha Round; conflict and political-economy of natural resources, and Indonesia’s economic diplomacy. She holds a Ph.D. in Politics from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Her Ph.D. dissertation focuses on developing countries’ compliance and non-compliance with the TRIPs Agreement. She holds a M.Sc. in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics (LSE) and B.A. in International Relations from Universitas Gadjah Mada. She has membership in International Political Science Association (IPSA). Her selected publications are Corporate Power in Global Economic Institutions: The Case Studies of the MAI and the TRIPs Agreement (2012); Co-author of Towards an Integrated Aid for Trade and Trade Facilitation Framework: Logistics Management Reform in Indonesia (2016); Co-editors of Extractive Industry, Policy Innovations and Civil Society Movement in Southeast Asia: An Introduction (2017); Co-author of How far can Indonesia Go? Utilizing TSIA on the Would-Be TPP Impact for Indonesia, in Paradigm Shift in International Economic Law Rule-Making (edited by Julien Chaisse (2017). Email:
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