Ginus Partadiredja
dr. Ginus Partadiredja, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Penulis menyelesaikan Pendidikan Dokter di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret dan melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di University of Otago Selandia Baru dan S3 di University of Queensland Australia dengan spesialisasi di bidang Neuroscience. Penulis merupakan staf dosen di Departemen Fisiologi FK-KMK UGM. Beberapa publikasi internasional penulis antara lain: 1) The effects of light and moderate intensity exercise on the femoral bone and cerebellum of D-galactose-exposed rats; 2) Subchronic Administration of High-Dose Sodium Fluoride Causes Deficits in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells But Not Motor Coordination of Rats; 3) Intermittent exercise improves working memory and locomotor activity by attenuating oxidative stress in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum of ovariectomized rats.
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