
Bilveer Singh
Professor Bilveer Singh, a Singaporean is presently teaching at the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore. He is also Adjunct Senior Fellow, Centre of Excellence for National Security, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University and President, Political Science Association of Singapore, An International Relations and Security analyst, he has published widely and specializes on Southeast Asian defence and J security policies, Islamist extremism and terrorism in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia and security challenges facing ASEAN, especially in the context of great power relations. He has also published widely on the politics and foreign policy of Singapore. Formerly, the Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science, NUS, he also headed the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS) in 2011. He was also invited to be a Resource Person to the Commission of Truth and Friendship, East T imor-Indonesia based in Denpasar, Bali, 2008-2009. With more than forty books to his credit since the l980s, some of his recent publications include:
- (with Munir Mulkhan) Demokrasi & Demokrasi dalam I’dad Jihad, Yogyakarta: Metro Epistema Publishers, 2013, pp. 350.
- Politics and Governance in Singapore: An Introduction, Singapore: McGrawHill Education, 2012 (Second Edition), 316 pp.
- (with Munir Mulkhan) Jejaring Radikalisme Islam di Indonesia: Jejak Sang Pengantin Bom Bunuh Diri, Yogyakarta, JB Publisher, 2012, pp. 159.
- (with Munir Mulkhan) Demokrasi dalam Bayang-Bayang Negara Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta: Kanisius Press, 2011, 380 pp.
- Papua: Geopolitics and the Quest for Nationhood, New Brunswick/London: Transaction Publishers, 2008, 238 pp.
- The Talibanization of Southeast Asia: Losing the War on Terror to Islamist Extremists, Boulder, Colorado: Praeger Security International, 2007, 263 pp.
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