Wisdom from Rural Java: Ethics and Worldviews

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Penulis: Sartini

ISBN: 978-602-386-432-4

Dilihat: 2707 kali

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Ditambahkan: 07 June 2020

This study illustrates the strong relationship between world views and ethical values that are embedded in the lives ofa group of people called wong pinter. Some notes on the results of the study show the following points.


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This study illustrates the strong relationship between world views and ethical values that are embedded in the lives ofa group of people called wong pinter. Some notes on the results of the study show the following points.

First, on the basis of the categories of worldviews studied (classification, causality, space, time, and self-others relation), it is found that the concept of classification is not strong enough. The concept of space is also not sufficiently patterned, in contrast to the findings of the concept of space on the Ainu people, the people of Bali and Yogyakarta. Wong pinter describes the concept of space in relation to the existence of non-human beings. The concept oftime is explained in more detail. Some of the views about time are intended to discipline and self-control. On the self-other concept, God becomes the most important element in His status as the Almighty. The selfis a common creature that interacts with other humans and non-human beings. Horizontally, the worldview of wong pinter pivots on the ethical elements of the relationship between God's creatures that synergize and create harmony so as to create a comfortable and peaceful life.

Secondly, the basic concept of the worldview guides the wong pinter on the pattern of life both in society, self-control, keeping not to hurt others, and care about the hassles of others. Therefore, they are regarded as people who behave nobly and become role models in society. Thirdly, even though the wong pinterhas some abilities that are relatively similar to the abilities of the shamans (comrnon dukun) that have been mentioned by most researchers but the behavior of wong pinter is different from and even contradict the general characteristics of the dukun. Fourth, this study enriches the study of the concept of space, time, causality, and self-other relationships. This study also explicitly revise the theories that generalize the understanding and characteristics of dukun or wong pinter which has been widely associated with witchcraft, money, and worldly pragmatic goals.

  • Bahasa Teks Buku English
  • Cetakan Pertama, Maret 2020
  • Tebal 268 halaman
  • Ukuran 15,5 cm x 23 cm
  • Kode Buku W001
  • Categories Flash Sale, Super Sale