Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- November 29, 2019

Library of Biology Faculty of UGM and UGM Press commit to interlace cooperation as a media partner in spreading source of information from the lectures' research especially in the form of book publication. The books written by the lectures of Biology Faculty of UGM which have been published by UGM Press was chosen to be a title theme for the Book Review Discussion event. A book titled "Keanekaragaman Hayati di Gianyar" is an opus written by several writers: Suwarno Hadisusanto, Trijoko, Purnomo, Hastin Ambar Asti, Ratna Sari Ramadani, Retno Pani Sancayaningsih, FX. Sugiyo Pranoto, Iman Akbar Muhtianda.
The event which held on Friday, 29th of November 2019 at Auditorium Biologi Tropika Faculty of Biology UGM and lasts for 3 hours was opened by the dean of Faculty of Biology UGM Prof. Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. and also attended by the main guest Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, SU., a book reviewer Dr.rer.silv. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut., M.Sc., and a moderator Rury Epprirurahman, S.Si., M.Sc. This lively event also attended by various participants from various instantiations in which related to the environment and biodiversity such as from Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam, Pusat Studi Lingkungan, Komunitas Satwa, environmentalist, alumni, lecturers, and students.
Before discussing the book Prof. Warno, as a guest he introduced a song with the theme of biodiversity titled Burung Berkicau which was popularized by Onny Suryono. Even though that song was popular in the era of 60s-70s, but the meaning of biodiversity is still inspiring for the lost of people. Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. as the chief of the event said that book review discussion event which collaborates with UGM Press will be a routine agenda in Faculty of Biology UGM, therefore by holding this event it is expected to increase the lecturers' publication especially in the form of a book and it will be published by UGM Press. Other than that, one of the benefits of publishing the book is it will keep the knowledge of the lecturers both in the form of article or book, and it will give benefits both for the lecturers itself, students, or even it will be a heritage for the next generation. The future goal of this event, They plan to make the same event in the fostered village to make direct interaction between experts who have succeeded in summarizing biodiversity in the fostered village.
Book Review Discussion event this time was a little bit different from the previous event, in which there was a book sale display from UGM Press. There were various books which sold on that day, not only a book which was being reviewed on that day but also the other kind of book. The participants from this book review event could get a special discount of 20% of the normal price. The atmosphere of the discussion became even more interesting when the moderator Mas Rury distribute door prize for 5 questioners with particular specifications such as participant who attended first, the first questioner, and the participant who came from the farthest place they will get a souvenir from the committee. This event was closed by photo session and lunch with the special traditional menu from Indonesia which are sego megono, sayur lodeh, tahu tempe, and peyek teri. Library of Biology Faculty UGM will always create activity in which more diverse in order to increase the quality of service, salam literasi bersama kita selalu menghasilkan kreasi. (Rusna/Fak. Biologi UGM, Editor: Gesang Anita CW)
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