Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- July 05, 2019

Book Review Discussion Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi
Collaboration between Faculty of Bilology UGM LIbrary and UGM Press
in the 64th Anniversary of the Faculty of Biology, UGM
LIbrary of Biology Faculty of UGM coducted book review discussion Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi which was published by UGM Press. This book review discussion event was held on Friday, 5th of July 2019 in Biology Faculty of UGM Seminar Room, as one of the 64th Anniversary of the Faculty of Biology events. The main speaker of thi event are Dr. Endah Retnaningrum S.Si., M.Eng. and Dr. Miftahul Ilmi M.Si.. This book review discussed about the book Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi published by UGM Press which got the participants' enthusiams. This book is a book that discusses microbiology in general. This book is different from other microbiology teaching materials which are usually specific to the application of science in agriculture, health, or other fields. The Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi book is intended for undergraduate students, but this book can also be read by the general public. The knowledge of basic microbiology is needed for students, especially biology students. This is related to the role of microbes which is very important in life. Dr. Miftahul Ilmi, M.Sc. also added that to support the understanding of microbiology we must study biochemistry and molecular cell biology. In addition, this book also briefly discusses the methods used in microbiological scientific practice.
In addition, this event is also a form of collaboration with UGM Press to introduce books produced by UGM lecturers. Specifically at this event, the books were discounted by 20%. The event was also attended by the Chairman of the Biology Faculty Senate Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto and Deputy Dean for Finance, Assets and Human Resources at the Faculty of Biology UGM. At the end of this event, door prizes were distributed which was Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi book to 5 audiences who had asked. The event was attended by around 80 participants from various levels of education who were certainly interested in microbiology.
This book is highly recommended for beginners who will be interested in studying microbiology. Some audiences are very interested in microbiology related to their application in daily life. Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, S.Si., M.Eng. also explained a number of microbiological applications in daily life, for example microbiology in making tape through fermentation whose alcohol content can be controlled through the amount of yeast applied and how microbes are introduced to newborns so that the baby's digestion can work properly.
UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, very appreciates the book review activity of the UGM Biology Faculty Library. "The Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi book helps students to understand and prepare themselves in lectures and through related literature (learning to know)," said Wayan.
Head of Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi UGM (UGM Publisher and Publication Agency), Dr. Widodo, appreciated this book review discussion. "Hopefully this book review discussion will continue, collaboration with UGM Press in promoting Academic book is increasingly in demand by writers, especially lecturers at the UGM Faculty of Biology, happy 64th anniversary for Faculty of Biology UGM" Widodo said. (Irwan / UGM Press, EDitor Gesang Anita CW)
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