Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- February 24, 2020

Monday (24/02) the Department of Library and Regional Archives (DPAD) DIY held a book discussion of "Pancasila as The State Ideology: Pancasila Course by President Soekarno About Pancasila". Located in Joglo Tegalan, Sidomoyo, Godean, Sleman, this event attracted a lot of sympathy from participants and stakeholders. This activity begins with remarks by H. Koeswanto, S.IP. who is a member of the Yogyakarta Provincial Council.
Diasma Sandi Swandaru, S.Sos., M.H. as the main speaker who also joined as a part of book writer team from the Center of Pancasila Studies (PSP) UGM explained the detail one by one which this book began with the establishment of Pancasila, Soekarno’s speech of 1 June 1945, as the main point of Pancasila as the National State Republic of Indonesia. The next chapter is followed by a course by explaining the meaning and content of Pancasila as the main state, The Belief in One God, Nationality, Humanity, People's Sovereignty, and Social Justice. "This is the place we can find critical thinking. As a result, this book is great a basic material and a guide to run this nation. The best way to learn Pancasila is from our founding father, Ir. Soekarno.” said Diasma.
“Pancasila as the only ideology capable of uniting the Indonesian nation. At the world level, the greatness of Pancasila can be seen as the foundation of Asia and Africa revival, which began in Bandung to unite and be independent on its own feet, and Soekarno also urged Pancasila to be included in the United Nations charter for the world peace on 30 September 1960, "said him.
The main focus of this activity is to increase public understanding of each principle contained in Pancasila. The book which contains the idea of ??the concept of being a nation that is focused on Pancasila is the result of Dr. (HC). Ir. Sukarno was examined deeply and put in real life.
The Head of the Library and Archives Service Sleman Regency, Sri Wantini, who was the second speaker, also explained the importance of unity and synergy between communities to form a strong and integrated nation. "I hope this book is available in all libraries. The contents of this book deeply inspiring to be patriotic to build Indonesia," said Sri Wantini.
UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika fully appreciates this activity. "Considering many cases of intolerance that occur at this time, this book helps to raise awareness about what is national unity. I highly recommend this book for Indonesian to read, "said Dr. Wayan.(Azata/SVUGM)
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