Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- February 10, 2020

The Yogyakarta Regional Library and Archive Organization held a book discussion. The book title is "Environmental Youth Organization in Post-New Order Indonesia" (Organisasi Pemuda Lingkungan di Indonesia Pasca-Orde Baru) on Monday, February 10, 2020. The event was held at community hall 10, Cokrodiningratan, Jetis, Yogyakarta. This event has a purpose to increase the literacy rate among the residents of Cokrodingratan sub-district, especially in the environmental field organization.
This book has been published by UGM Press publishers and has broad outlines such as it examines the variations and characteristics of the activities of youth organizations in Indonesia after the New Order. The book review event was opened by the Head of the Development and Development Division of DPAD DIY, Djuli Sugiarto and was attended by several essential figures such as Imam Priyono, SE., M.Sc. (Commission D DPRD), M. Nazir Salim (Representative of Gadjah Mada University Press Publisher), Husni Eko Prabowo (Dispora DIY) and Triyanta., S.Pd, S. MIP (DPK Yogyakarta City).
This event received a lot of enthusiasm from the Cokrodiningratan community and huge appreciation from UGM Press Manager Dr. I Wayan Mustika. "I really appreciate this book discussion because I received a lot of people's enthusiasm," said Wayan. Besides that Dr. I Wayan also expressed his hopes regarding this event, "I hope this activity can continue to be carried out in order to increase public literacy on the latest issues occurring in Indonesia and the world," he added. (Gesang Anita CW / UGM Vocational School)(Editor: Aza)
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