Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- February 21, 2020

Book discussion which held on Friday (21/02/2020) located at Pendopo Wirosaban, P. Wirosaban st UH 6/ 646, Bantul, Yogyakarta appreciated by the local community. The event that initiated by Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah (DPAD) Provinsi DI Yogyakarta. 150 participants attend included local people and representatives of the Regional Planning and Development Agency (BAPPEDA) DIY as a speaker and as an essential for city management.
The book title is “Pengembangan Perkotaan: Dalam Era Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi” was written by Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T whose part of Faculty of Geography community UGM and this book focused on the role of information and communication technology which have many impacts on human life especially in urban development.
Rini Rachmawati as a writer said her enthusiasm when she got the honor to explain her book. “I really appreciate every people that come to hear and want to know more about the information and communication technology that developed in 4.0 industrial eras which impact many aspects include urban development. I hope this book may help to expand public knowledge”, she added.
“I support all the book discussions which involve the general public. The book that publishes by UGM Press not only for the academic community but also for everybody”, said Dr. I Wayan Mustika as UGM Press manager.
Head of Library Development and Archives Service Yogyakarta, Djuli Sugiarto, S. Sos., M.P. gives compliments for this event. In addition to increasing public literacy over the low interest in reading between Indonesians, this book review also educates the public about developing technology that comes rapidly and impacts on urban development as a step to produce output in the form of renewable strategies to respond challenges in urban dynamics to make people's lives easier.
“We also share one book per person to study at home. Hopefully, this book can provide benefits to the community”, said Djuli Sugiarto. (Azata/ Sekolah Vokasi UGM)
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