Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- February 20, 2020

(Thursday, 20/02/2020) Prof. dr. Ade Utarini, M.Sc., MPH., Ph.D, one of proffessors in FKKMK UGM held book review and discussion for her newest book titled "Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang: Penelitian Qualitatif Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan" on 20th of February 2020. This event was held in 1st floor of Tahir building FKKMK UGM, and it was attended by more than a hundred people and some of important guests. The aim if this event is to introduce qualitative method to the researchers especially in health service field where this method is rarely used. The book which is written by Prof. dr. Ade Utarini, M.Sc., MPH., Ph.D, who is also known as Prof. Uut, was published by UGM Press which is a university publisher of UGM which has already published lots of books written by UGM lecturers.
As a writter, Prof. Uut conveys her impression about qualitative reseacrh which is rarely used in health service field. Based on her opinion, the use of qualitaive research in medical field can be a key to explore the complexity of health service system. She also adds that doing research using qualitative method is like living our life in which we have to be persintent in analyzing the problems and finding the solutions for those problems.
"Doing a research using qualitative method is like living your life and valuing it. I hope this book can be a reference in doing qualitaive research in medical field especially to improve health service in Indonesia" said Prof. Uut.
Moreover, the event which was opened by the Head of Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi (BPP) UGM Mr. Widodo, M.Sc., Ph.D was not only has good concept but also attended by some important guests such as Dr. dr. Lucia Kris dan Sp. PD., Sp. JP(K) from Sardjito Hospital and FKKMK UGM. Mr. Widodo also conveys his appreciation and hope to Prof. Uut, He hopes by this book it will improve qualitative research in medical field.
I really appreciate the hard work of Prof. Uut in writing this book. I hope this book will improve qualitative research especially in medical field" said Widodo.
Beside that, UGM Press manager Dr. I Wayan Mustika, he also conveys his appreciation to Prof. Uut and he is also proud of UGM Press which has been chosen to publish this amazing book.
"I really appreciate this amazing book, I hope this book will help qualitative researchers in medical field. I also feel proud of UGM Press which has chosen to publish this amazing book" said I Wayan
This event has succeeded and got lots of appreciation from lots of researcers. After two hours this event was closed by a piano performance from Prof. Uut collaborate with a former violinist from Gadjah Mada Chamber Orchestra. (Gesang Anita CW/Sekolah Vokasi UGM)
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