Event & Agenda
Tanggal Posting
- February 20, 2019

Wednesday (20/2/2019), Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah (DPAD) DIY invited community especially community who run MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise) to explore the potency of MSME in their place as well as to instill their mental of entrepreneurship. This invitation isin the form of book review discussion event in Balai Desa Hargowilis, Kokap sub-district, Kulonprogo regency.
the book review discussion this time was discussing a book titled "Pengembangan UMKM antara Konseptual dan Pengalaman Praktis" which published by UGM Press is written by Rachmawan Budiart and friends. Hemppri Suyatna one of Indonesian writer also said that the ppontency of MSME in Kulon Progo is not well-organized yet.
"Some classic pproblems arise such as the access of funding as the one of challenges in developing business whereas funding is not the main key in developing business. Therefore, good human resources are needed so that the business can run well" said Hempri.
"In this case the role of various parties is needed to develop MSME sector so that canbe more independent and empowered. The local government should provide intensive assistance in order to make their MSME can compete in the rise of imported products era" Hempri continued. Hempri said that this book is convincing the practical dessertation theory so that the community who run MSME can read this book.
Commission member D DPRD DIY, Hamam Mutaqim said that local people in Kulon Progo who run MSME have oppotunity to sell their product especiall products which can attract the both domestic and foreign tourist and this activity is also supppported by the construction of a new airport in Kulon Progo.
The head of Pengembangan Minat dan Budaya Baca (Interest Development and Reading Culture Section) of DPAD DIY, Aris Wiryanto, said that with this book review, hopefully the community could be motivated in developing MSME products, and the book "Pengembangan UMKM antara Konseptual dan Pengalaman Praktis" was distributed to the book review event participants to become a reference the people of Hargowilis and its surroundings and to make them love reading book.
"This activity is also an effort to increase interest in reading book in the community. Based on the 2018 National Library study, reading culture in DIY is increasing" said Aris.
The head of Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi (BPP) UGM, Dr. Widodo, appreciated the book review activities. According to him, these activities can increase people's passion and desire to read books. "We hope that the books published by UGM Press can be useful for the community and become a reference for knowledge after participating in this activity," said Dr. Widodo. [Irwan / UGM Press, Editor: Gesang Anita CW]
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