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- March 10, 2020

The development of the tourism industry cannot be separated from community participation which has a big role. In this era, tourism can be an important part of improving the economy of some regions. With a huge potential of an area, tourists will visit and may give income to local people. However, it needs synergy between the local community and government in building tourism, because it never went really well without support system from the locals who give and facilitate the tourist needs, including services such as culinary, souvenirs, homestay, and even also an event. Everything about tourism potencies were revealed on Book Discussion with the theme “Building Fundamental Tourism” (Membangun Pariwisata Dari Bawah) which published by UGM Press and this event was held by Yogyakarta Regional Library and Archives Service (DPAD) pull together with Commission D, Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at the Village Hall of Jepitu, Girisubo, Gunungkidul.
Wijaya Ladampa as the main speaker who also joined as a book writing team from the Center for Tourism Studies (Puspar) UGM explained the detail contents of the book "Building Tourism from the Bottom". Puspar UGM is paying attention to the development of responsible and sustainable tourism by giving innovation and creativity in developing culture, encouraging community, strengthening local economic independence, and preserving the environment. Puspar UGM has been implemented a strengthening of tourism businesses from the lower level in various parts of the country, including hundreds of locations in the mountains, forests, and coastal and small islands. "This book describes the development of rural tourism which is actively sponsored by the government, especially in the last 3 years. Most village tourism managers have not planned marketing activities for rural tourism products and effective strategies for this. As a short duration program, the PNPM Mandiri Tourism program is concentrated on a physical arrangement, ramp up capacity, and tends as a function to stimulant for village development in general. As a result, managers are more speculative by waiting or seeing further development of the tourism village. This situation is quite critical because it determines the sustainability of rural tourism, "said Wijaya.
Hj. Rany Widayati, S.E., M.M. as a member of Commission D of the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives on in her remarks said that Jepitu people, Girisubo, Gunungkidul need to get a better understanding of building a tourism village because they just rely on the agricultural sector. "The main focus of this event is to increase public understanding through the book" Building Tourism from the Bottom "as an alternative form of tourism which contributes to positive changes in social, economic and cultural resources in the Jepitu village, Girisubo, Gunungkidul," said Rany.
UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, give appreciation to this activity. "This book has been discussed for the third time in rural communities. This book helps the community to build the tourism village's potential from below. I really recommend this book to be read by Indonesians, especially the tourism village manager, "said Dr. Wayan [Irwan / UGM Press]
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